5 Changes to Enhance Your Life

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1. Dedicate more time to your side businesses and passion projects. Take time to think about things you’d like to do or accomplish in your life. Perhaps you want to start a business, volunteer for an organization you love, or work on a passion project? Whatever it is, write it down and make a point to work on these goals periodically. One way to ensure that you are progressing is to brainstorm different times within certain days each week that you can dedicate to these goals. Make it a habit to work on the things you are passionate about on a regular basis.

2. Read more books, watch less tv. The most successful people have habits and character traits that are distinct from others. One of those traits is their intellectual curiosity and commitment to lifelong learning. One of the ways they do this is by reading books, listening to podcasts, and staying educated on a variety of topics. Unlike many typical Americans, most millionaires who were not born into wealth don’t spend as much time consuming entertainment. They don’t watch as much television as other people. Although they value relaxation, they are extremely selective about how they spend their days. Be mindful of how much time you spend consuming entertainment.

3. Spend less time on social media. Although social media can be a great way for us to check up on friends and give us a small glimpse into the lives of people we care out, there are downsides as well. One of the biggest drawbacks is that it can be quite addicting. Many people spend hours scrolling on social media each day without realizing it. Along with causing us to waste valuable time, social media can cause us to unnecessarily compare ourselves with others in ways that makes us less content with our own lives. In order to avoid feelings of discontentment and use your time more wisely consider cutting back on your social media use.

4. Get healthier – eat more nutritious food and exercise regularly. Many successful people value good health. They understand that sub-optimal health costs us extra money, since we have to pay for more frequent doctor’s visits and medicines to treat illnesses that could have been avoided. Bad health also costs us time. If you are healthier, you have more energy to get things done and can be more efficient with your time. You also tend to feel better in general. Consider eating healthier foods and exercising more regularly to improve your health and productivity.

5. Allocate more money to saving and investing. Part of being successful means practicing good money management. Instead of spending lots of money on frivolous things many successful people live below their means and allocate at least 20% of their money to saving and investing. You should consider doing the same thing. Make it a habit to save at least 5% of your income to build up an emergency fund. Consider allocating at least 10% of your income to retirement investing. You can use any remaining money to invest in taxable accounts, open college savings accounts for your children, or save money in a vacation fund for an upcoming trip. If you don’t do this already, make it a habit to save and invest a certain percentage of your income.