spending plan

6 Large Expenses to Plan for as a Young Doctor: 


If you’re heading into your last year of residency as a young doctor, congrats! Medical training is tough and you’re almost done. As you celebrate and start reserving your vacation weeks, don’t forget about some large expenses that may be coming your way. As a former senior resident who just started fellowship, there were quite a few large expenses I had that I wasn’t fully prepared for. I ended up having to make some extra money on the side in order to cover all the costs. Learn from my mistakes and plan ahead for these large expenses that may be coming your way:

1. Board Certification Exam

As you finish your residency, you will become eligible to take the board certification exam for your specialty. While some specialties like Ob/Gyn and Surgery have oral components that may take a lot longer to study or qualify for, almost all specialties require you to pass a written exam. In case you weren’t aware, that written exam isn’t cheap. I’m in family medicine and I paid around $1300. Yep, you read that right $1300. And yes, I had to pay the full cost before I was able to schedule the exam. Be sure to look up how much the board exam costs for your field. For some specialties and subspecialties it may cost over $2,000.

2. Full Physician Medical License

Residents in training usually practice medicine and see patients with a post-graduate training license. Once you finish residency, (whether you decide to do a fellowship or not) you are usually required to get a full physician license. This is not a national license. It is a state license which means you must have a full medical license in each state you practice medicine. Unfortunately, the cost of a full medical license isn’t cheap. I paid at least $500 in application fees for my initial Georgia license. Then I paid $230 a couple years later to renew it. Because I am doing a fellowship in California, I needed to pay for an initial California medical license along with the application fee which was around $1200. I also had to pay to get official fingerprints, medical transcripts, and USMLE scores sent to the state medical board. These costs were not cheap either. If you have already signed an attending contract, you may be able to get some of these expenses paid for by your new employer. Try to negotiate that into the contract or plan ahead so you have the money available for it.

3. DEA License

If you’re like me, you may be surprised to learn that getting a full physician license in each state you practice in, isn’t sufficient. You also need a license to prescribe medication, otherwise known as a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) license. The cost of this license isn’t cheap. I paid $888 for mine. If you’re a physician in training at a state institution or residency you may be able to get this fee waived, but there’s a caveat. Technically speaking, you need a DEA license for each state in which you practice medicine and you may have to pay for it yourself if your employer does not provide funds for this cost. I have a DEA license associated with my Georgia medical license and another DEA license associated with my California medical license. These costs can add up quickly.

4. Moving Expenses

Whether you are moving to a different state for fellowship or starting your attending job in a new area, most doctors-in-training move after they finish residency. In case it’s been a while since you moved, let me catch you up to speed: it’s expensive. I moved to California from Georgia and this cross-country move was not cheap. Simply traveling to California to look at apartments was costly. The cost of moving my clothes, transporting household goods, and shipping my car was expensive as well. Plus, there are other moving costs to consider too. You may need a new driver’s license and car registration which can lead to additional expenses and insurance fees. You may also need furniture or kitchen appliances. Once you account for these costs, you can easily spend $2,000 to $4,000 if not more.

5. Housing Costs 

Many people finish residency and want to buy a home. We have so much delayed gratification in training that we finally want to accomplish the ultimate sign of adulting: homeownership. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that inflation is through the roof and housing prices have increased over the last couple years. Many people are offering over the asking price and paying with cash which has made it more difficult and costly to find the home you desire. Be prepared. For those of us who plan to rent for another year, things may not be as good on our end either. Rent prices have gone up tremendously and many places still require a rather large security deposit. Whether you decide to rent or buy, beware that your housing costs may be higher than you anticipated.

6.Celebratory Vacation

Residency is hard. We were on call for over 24 hours at a time, worked nights and weekends while missing out on time with our families, and were drastically underpaid for the work we did. Finishing this training is quite an accomplishment and you deserve to celebrate. If you’re like most people, you will want to take a break before you start working as an attending. Most people take at least 6 weeks off to refresh and recharge and one of the most popular things to do during that time is travel. Go to Greece, Belize, Europe, Hawaii, or whatever bucket list location tickles your fancy. This may be one of the only times in your life where you have an extended time off without work obligations so take advantage of it. Just be aware that these vacations aren’t cheap. They can cost thousands of dollars and usually require you to save for them ahead of time.

My point? The end of residency or fellowship can be exciting, but it can also be quite costly. Expenses tend to add up quick. If you’re not careful, you can find yourself charging way more things on your credit card than you ever imagined. Be sure to plan ahead.


Quick Guide For Managing Loans, Insurances, and Budgets


Of note, this article was originally published on Doximity’s Op-Med for resident physicians.


As resident physicians who work crazy hours, we have a lot on our plate. With so many competing responsibilities, it can be difficult to balance our personal lives with our careers and some things may inevitably fall by the wayside. While there are many things we can put off for another month or even another year, our finances shouldn’t be one of them. Here’s a financial check list of three things you must do to make sure you’re on the right track: 

Have a concrete plan for your student loans

Figuring out what to do with your student loans can seem a bit overwhelming. Here are a few steps to help you navigate through the madness.

  1. Decide whether or not to consolidate or refinance your loans. Consolidation is when you combine all your loans into one giant loan and this can usually be done through the federal government. Refinancing is when you combine your loans with a private company outside of the federal government. Refinancing your loans usually allows you to get a lower interest rate on which can save you money over time but it makes you ineligible for several government loan forgiveness programs like public service loan forgiveness (PSLF). Since I’m enrolled in PSLF, I chose to consolidate my loans through the government instead of refinancing them with a private company.

  2. Pick a repayment plan that you can afford. If you have federal student loans, you will be automatically enrolled into the standard repayment plan. This plan may require a higher monthly payment than you can afford. If this is the case for you, as it was for me, switch into one of the income driven repayment plans that cap your student loan payment at 10-15% of your discretionary income.

  3. Sign up for public service loan forgiveness if your residency qualifies. Enrolling into the program isn’t binding and may give you the chance to get tens of thousands of dollars in student loans forgiven, tax free. Take five minutes out of your day and submit the form to officially enroll, if your resident program meets the qualifications.

Make sure you have insurance

Many of us didn’t think much about insurance in medical school. We probably had health insurance from our parents or our schools and didn’t worry about anything else. Now that we’re out in the “real world,” here are three things to do to make sure we are thoroughly protected in residency: 

  1. Verify that you have medical insurance. Even though most of us are young and healthy, we still need health insurance. Whether it’s for yearly checkups, acute illnesses, the birth of a baby, prescriptions, or unforeseen injuries, we have to make sure we’re protected and have an affordable way to cover these costs. As residents, most of us should get free or low-cost coverage through our programs. Just make sure you’re enrolled.

  2. Get disability insurance. After taking out loans and spending most of our 20s in school, let’s make sure that our income is protected. If we get in an accident, are diagnosed with an illness, or simply have an injury that prevents us from working to our full capacity, disability insurance will kick in and give us money to replace the income we may have lost. Group disability insurance policies through our residencies usually don’t have enough coverage or adequate protection. I purchased an individual specialty-specific disability insurance policy that will pay out $4,000 a month if I am unable to work at 100% capacity as a resident. The policy will increase and pay out $12,000 a month when I become an attending.

  3. Decide if you need life insurance. Life insurance pays money to our families if we were to pass away. While many of us have a life expectancy well into the 80s, life can be unpredictable. If something were to happen to us, we’d want to make sure our family was taken care of. As a resident, many of us have a small life insurance policy from our employers, but if you have a spouse or kids who depend on your income, that group policy may not be enough. You may need to purchase additional term life insurance.

Create a monthly spending plan

As resident physicians, life is much different now than it was when we were medical students. Instead of getting one lump sum of money each semester, we now get paid on a consistent basis. In order to make sure we’re not spending too much money and are actually saving a decent amount for emergencies, paying down debt, retirement, and vacations, it’s imperative that we implement a spending plan. I categorize my spending into 3 buckets: 

  1. Things I need to buy, which are necessities like rent, bills, and food.

  2. Things I want to buy, which are discretionary entertainment expenses like concert tickets, movies, books, meals at restaurants, or clothes.

  3. Things I should buy, which are investments I make to increase my net worth whether that’s by paying down debt, saving money into a separate account, or investing toward retirement.

Simply allot a percentage of your check to each of these three buckets to make sure you’re living within your means and making responsible spending choices. 

To summarize, getting your finances in order doesn’t have to be difficult. Have a concrete plan for your student loans by deciding whether or not to consolidate or refinance your loans, enrolling into an affordable repayment plan, and signing up for PSLF. Next, make sure you have all the insurance you need like medical insurance, disability insurance, and life insurance. Lastly, create a spending plan to ensure that you’re paying your bills, increasing your net worth, and investing in your own self-care. 


My residency spending plan: a new way to think about budgeting


As a young professional with many competing expenses, it is paramount for me to prioritize my spending. However, adhering to a strict budget can seem a bit daunting and restrictive. To get over this anxiety, I started out with a spending plan that mirrors the “50-30-20 rule” by allocating money into 3 different buckets: things I have to buy, things I want to buy, and things I should buy. Let me explain.

Category #1: Things I Have to Buy 

This category is for my fixed expenses. It includes the bills and necessary purchases I must make to survive. This includes my monthly rent and other bills (like electricity, internet, water, and sewage). I also use this category to pay for groceries, gas, and different types of medical insurance (i.e. vision, dental, and disability). For young adults just starting out in their careers, this category of fixed, necessary expenses can take up about 50% of your take-home pay. For young professionals established in their career, it may be a much lower percentage. For me, this amounts to about 45% of my take-home pay. 

Pro Tip: If your fixed expenses add up to over 50% of your income, consider ways you can cut costs or increase your income. I tried to do both. In order to decrease costs, I decided to live with a roommate. This not only lowered my monthly rent payment, but it also allowed me to split many other bills, which substantially lowered my living expenses. Along with decreasing costs, I also created a second source of income. As a resident physician with limited free time, I couldn’t get a second job, nor did I want to. Instead, I decided to turn something I love (blogging) into a second source of income by monetizing my blog and accepting paying offers to write for other platforms. Whether you enjoy writing or have another area of interest, think about what you love to do and consider different ways you can turn your hobby into a second source of income. 

Category #2: Things I Want to Buy 

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This category is for my discretionary spending “aka” non-necessities that increase my quality of life. These expenses can differ for each person but for me they include: entertainment (like weekend outings to the movies, sporting events, and restaurants), self-care (like personal grooming, hair appointments, and gym memberships), and incidentals (such car maintenance, birthday gifts, and other unexpected expenses). This is also the area I dedicate to giving. As a Christian I try my best to give to the less fortunate and donate to organizations that do the same. 

Pro Tip: Everyone’s list of discretionary spending may vary. I choose to drive an older car and spend extra money on entertainment and self-care. You may, instead, choose to drive a much nicer car and opt for a car payment. The items you choose to purchase can differ from mine. The goal is to keep your discretionary spending to about 20-30% of your take-home pay. Mine is 25%.

Category #3: Things I Should Buy 

This category is for monetary growth. It is the part of my take-home pay I use to increase my net worth and build financial security. This can be done in a variety of ways, but I use this section of my budget to save, invest, and pay down debt. For example, I put a certain percentage of money into an emergency fund and secondary savings account (which I will use for unexpected expenses, a future vacation, a house down payment, etc). I also allot a portion of money from this category to invest in my employer-sponsored retirement account (which is a 403b retirement savings plan through which I invest in a combination of stocks and bonds). Lastly, I use this category of money to pay down student loans and credit card debt. 

Pro Tip: You can increase your net worth by either paying down debt or increasing your investments. I do both. The goal is to reserve at least 20% of your take-home pay to this category to ensure you have an adequate emergency fund and are saving enough money for retirement. Since I was unable to work during my time in medical school and incurred some credit card debt when I moved to another state, I am allotting about 30% of my budget to this category to “catch up.” However, your exact percentage may differ from mine. You may need to start off by allocating a much smaller amount to this category and increasing the percentage over time.

Generally speaking: the amount you allot to these 3 categories may vary. The important thing is to make sure you have a portion of your budget reserved for all 3 areas.

Tell me, was this helpful? What percentage of your check do you have allocated to these 3 areas?


Yes I’m a Doctor, yes I still live on a budget: 4 steps I took to change my spending habits

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To the outside world, I’m a rich doctor who can buy what I want. In reality, I’m a sleep-deprived resident physician struggling to keep my head above water. No one told me life would be like this, at least not before I started taking out tens of thousands of dollars in student loans each semester, but I digress. The point is that even [future] high-income earners like myself need to have a budget. Without one, our money disappears faster than a post-call resident leaving the hospital. 

Unfortunately, realizing I needed a budget and actually creating one were two different things. Like a diabetic struggling to shed those unwanted pounds, it takes time to actually move from one step to another. Coming to terms with the fact that I work super hard and still can’t afford all the things I crave is its own beast that has taken me several attempts to tackle. Just in case some of you are in the same boat, let me shed some light on my own come-to-Jesus moment.

Step 1: I had to let go of my pride and accept that I was spending too much money. 

I’m almost ashamed to admit, but a few years ago I didn’t think a budget was necessary. I thought they were for poor people living paycheck to paycheck. Now that I’m a doctor living paycheck to paycheck I have a lot more sympathy (and humility too). It wasn’t until 6 months ago that I finally let go of my pride and began to accept that my habits needed to change. I was tired of running out of money at the end of each month. I was tired of relying on my credit cards for basic living expenses or holding my breath every time I had to pay for an oil change. 

Step 2: I had to sit down and actually write down my budget.

Honestly, I think the only reason I finally sat down and tried to make a budget was because I had this incredible distaste for debt. I had heard horror stories of older doctors whose student loan burden was sapping all of the happiness they once had with their jobs. It’s as if their lack of financial independence had turned the job they once loved into one they despised. I didn’t want that to happen to me. I wanted to know that my bills were paid on time each month and that my credit card debt was getting smaller and smaller. I wanted to make sure all my bases were covered. Creating a budget was one of the first steps I took to get on the right track. 

Step 3: I had to download a budget app to track my spending, and actually check it. 

Sounds simple, but for me, this was not an easy feat. The anxiety I had even thinking about opening Mint.com is one I cannot even begin to describe. But...I got through it. Slowly but surely I began to look at the numbers. I saw how much money I was actually spending on food each week. How my impromptu trips to the mall resulted in unnecessary clothes and holes in my budget. How the Uber rides, overpriced drinks, and club fees from weekend shenanigans added up to much more than I anticipated. I finally opened the app, stared at the numbers on the screen, and faced the fact that my spending was out of control. 

I was barely staying afloat and knew I had to do better. I couldn’t use the fact that I was a med student living on loans as an excuse. The spending habits I had wouldn’t magically change once I started getting paid as a resident physician or even as an attending physician. I needed to get rid of the bad behavior now, so that when I do experience an increase in pay in the future, I don’t just squander my wealth. 

Step 4: I had to put boundaries in place and stick to them. 

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It wasn’t enough for me to track my spending each month. I needed to put some protections in place to “save me from myself.” I opened mint.com and set up budget notifications that send an alert to my phone whenever I’m nearing my weekly allotment for food or entertainment. For example, if I limit myself to $100 every two weeks for transportation, the app will send me an alert whenever my Uber rides approach the $80 mark. That way I know when I need to forgo that weekend party invitation and maybe host a game night at my place instead. I was well-intentioned before, but setting boundaries through budget apps and spending notifications has really challenged me to stick to my goals.

Full disclosure, I am still a work in progress. There are times I ignore those alerts only to face regret when I log into my bank account afterwards. Thankfully, those times happen a lot less frequently than they used to. When it comes to my spending habits, I am far from perfect. I still struggle, but by simply making these 4steps my spending habits have improved exponentially. 

Tell me, what steps have you taken to improve your spending habits? What was it like when you first tried to make a budget?