5 Life Lessons to Remember this Summer

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1. Create Your Own Happiness. Happiness can come in many different forms. Some people love to try new foods and travel. Other people like to relax on their couch and watch a new television show or spend time with family. As adults, it’s vital that you figure out what makes you happy and ensure that your happiness doesn’t depend on anyone else. Although there’s nothing wrong with inviting others to share experiences, you have to be comfortable creating your own happiness that doesn’t depend on someone else. Take some time to figure out what things you enjoy regardless of who is around you. Learn to make your own self happy instead of relying on others.

2. Define Success for Yourself. As you continue to progress in your career, there are things your co-workers, bosses, friends, or even family members feel may “mark” your success. Perhaps it’s when you make a certain salary, find a long-term partner, start having children, or travel to certain places? While all of these things may be sources of enjoyment, it’s important that you take a step back and learn to define success for yourself. What does success mean to you? It’s important for you to create a life that YOU like and that YOU enjoy. Maybe success to you means reaching a certain level at work or achieving a certain milestone in your personal life, but it also may be something entirely different. Take a few minutes and define success for yourself.

3. Put Yourself and Your Mental Health First. Life has its amazing moments, but it can also be challenging at times. Certain things in your life that may not go according to plan and unexpected occurrences can serve as a source of added stress. It’s vital that you take the time to invest in your mental health and gain the tools needed to deal with life’s challenging moments in better ways. Recognize when you should keep pushing yourself while also knowing when you need to take a break. Although you may be tempted to make other people, projects, or responsibilities a higher priority, don’t neglect your mental health.

4. Pursue Your Passions. Life is not guaranteed. Make use of your time today. Figure out your passions and pursue them as best you can. If you aren’t sure what your passions are, write down a list of things you are good at, things you enjoy, and things other people compliment you about or “pick your brain” on. You may not have as much time in the future as you do right now. Take advantage of the current state you are in and pursue your passions. Perhaps you want to start a business, create a product, or work for a different company. Life is too short not to spend it working in the area you love doing the things you enjoy.

5. Enjoy every season of life. Don’t get so focused on looking to the future that you forget to enjoy the “now.” If you’re single, use the extra time you have to learn about an area that excites you, pick up a new skill, or grind it out working so that you can build up your finances. If you’re someone who is in a relationship, invest time getting to know that person and create a foundation that can withstand the test of time. If you’re a parent, enjoy all the priceless moments you have with your kids at every stage. If you’re someone who is focused on your career or are new to the city, find ways to enhance your skills and cultivate friendships that can last a lifetime. Instead of always looking ahead, take time to enjoy the season of life you are in.