life lessons

5 Life Lessons to Remember this Summer

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1. Create Your Own Happiness. Happiness can come in many different forms. Some people love to try new foods and travel. Other people like to relax on their couch and watch a new television show or spend time with family. As adults, it’s vital that you figure out what makes you happy and ensure that your happiness doesn’t depend on anyone else. Although there’s nothing wrong with inviting others to share experiences, you have to be comfortable creating your own happiness that doesn’t depend on someone else. Take some time to figure out what things you enjoy regardless of who is around you. Learn to make your own self happy instead of relying on others.

2. Define Success for Yourself. As you continue to progress in your career, there are things your co-workers, bosses, friends, or even family members feel may “mark” your success. Perhaps it’s when you make a certain salary, find a long-term partner, start having children, or travel to certain places? While all of these things may be sources of enjoyment, it’s important that you take a step back and learn to define success for yourself. What does success mean to you? It’s important for you to create a life that YOU like and that YOU enjoy. Maybe success to you means reaching a certain level at work or achieving a certain milestone in your personal life, but it also may be something entirely different. Take a few minutes and define success for yourself.

3. Put Yourself and Your Mental Health First. Life has its amazing moments, but it can also be challenging at times. Certain things in your life that may not go according to plan and unexpected occurrences can serve as a source of added stress. It’s vital that you take the time to invest in your mental health and gain the tools needed to deal with life’s challenging moments in better ways. Recognize when you should keep pushing yourself while also knowing when you need to take a break. Although you may be tempted to make other people, projects, or responsibilities a higher priority, don’t neglect your mental health.

4. Pursue Your Passions. Life is not guaranteed. Make use of your time today. Figure out your passions and pursue them as best you can. If you aren’t sure what your passions are, write down a list of things you are good at, things you enjoy, and things other people compliment you about or “pick your brain” on. You may not have as much time in the future as you do right now. Take advantage of the current state you are in and pursue your passions. Perhaps you want to start a business, create a product, or work for a different company. Life is too short not to spend it working in the area you love doing the things you enjoy.

5. Enjoy every season of life. Don’t get so focused on looking to the future that you forget to enjoy the “now.” If you’re single, use the extra time you have to learn about an area that excites you, pick up a new skill, or grind it out working so that you can build up your finances. If you’re someone who is in a relationship, invest time getting to know that person and create a foundation that can withstand the test of time. If you’re a parent, enjoy all the priceless moments you have with your kids at every stage. If you’re someone who is focused on your career or are new to the city, find ways to enhance your skills and cultivate friendships that can last a lifetime. Instead of always looking ahead, take time to enjoy the season of life you are in.


Find Your Purpose and Thrive

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As young professionals with plans for success that include fulfilling careers, thriving relationships, and financial independence, it is critical that we are mindful of what we do and how we spend our time. In order to transform our lives from simply having a “job” to building a career that can become our life’s work, we need a clear vision of our own purpose. We have to determine our mission in life and laser focus on what we were meant to do.

  • Figure out your purpose. One of the biggest dilemmas you may have as young professional is determining your life’s purpose. Perhaps you got a degree and found a job you are doing well in, but you still don’t feel fulfilled. One way to solve this problem is to spend some time figuring out your purpose. What things do you do well? What activities do you enjoy? What do other people say are some of your best qualities? What would you do if money were not an issue? Taking time to answer some of these questions will get you closer to determining your purpose. Keep in mind that your purpose may change when you are in different stages of your life.

  • Turn down opportunities that distract you from your purpose. Once you determine your purpose, pinpoint something you want to pursue as a career, or find a hobby you want to make into a business, laser focus on that. It can be tempting to take jobs and agree to things if they pay well or offer other perks, but resist the urge to make your decisions based on money or salary alone. Yes, you need to make sure you can pay your bills, but once that basic need is met, it’s critical that you focus on your purpose and turn down opportunities that take your focus from that, even if they are lucrative. If you truly want to build your business or operate in your purpose then you need to put in the necessary time and energy to perfect your craft, learn as much as you can, and be great at what you do. This requires focus.

  • Have a sense of urgency. One of the biggest factors that determines whether you turn your dream into reality is your sense of urgency. Is fulfilling your dream simply something you want to happen or is it something you are willing to work towards no matter what? Are you willing to push through obstacles despite the inconvenience, time, and resources they may cost you? You have to be so dedicated to living the life you’ve dreamed and achieving the things you desire that you constantly work towards them. Make timelines for what you hope to achieve and create tasks that you want to complete by a certain date. A dream without a timeline is just a wish. Turn your dreams into reality by having a sense of urgency.

  • Be Bold and Dream Big.  According to William Ford, “whether you think you can or you can’t you’re right.” In other words, your thoughts and beliefs about what you think is possible shape your future. Do yourself a favor and dream big. Be bold about what you want to accomplish. Visualize yourself doing it. Then make a plan (and timeline) detailing things you can do to get there. Don’t limit yourself. Discover your purpose and excel.


5 Life Lessons from 2020

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This past year has been quite different. We’ve had to deal with a global pandemic, a national reckoning on race, a divisive election and so much more. Despite all of the changes and stress, we have made it through. Before we close out 2020 and start looking ahead to next year, we may want to reflect on some of the things we’ve learned this year that have helped us grow into much stronger people. Some of the life lessons I’ve learned in 2020 are:

1. Life is short and good health isn’t guaranteed. As a medical doctor who has been working in the hospital and clinic during the pandemic, this statement has become a reality for me more than I’d like to admit. I’ve diagnosed and treated many patients with Coronavirus. I’ve seen, firsthand, how people who once considered themselves to be fairly healthy have been deeply affected by COVID. Over 300,000 people have died from Coronavirus in America over the last 9 months and that number is steadily climbing. With this reality, I’ve been constantly reminded that a long life with good health is not guaranteed. For those of us fortunate enough to have our health, we must cherish it and make the most of our time here on Earth by doing things we love, pursuing projects we are passionate about, and do our part to make the world a better place.

2. Resilience and adaptability are critical traits for successful people. Many of us have seen our lives change in drastic ways over the past few months. Some of us have witnessed our family members and friends suffer various changes to their health. Others of us have had to witness the trauma of inequality and racial injustice. Some people have had to adapt to changes in their work environment and others have had to cope with a huge halt in the social interactions that were so critical to their mental health. My point? All of us have had to deal with something. Many of these challenges were things we couldn’t have predicted. Despite the unexpected happening, many of us have been quite resilient and adaptable. We are continuing to work, take care of our responsibilities, keep in touch with our families, and be productive members of society. Our ability to handle sudden changes and persevere through difficult times has made us better people and is essential for our continued success going forward.

3. Empathy towards others can go a long way. Along with the obvious challenges many of us faced in 2020, there may have also been a few silent battles we’ve had to overcome as well. Perhaps we had to cope with a job loss, a decrease in income, the end of a friendship, poor performance on an evaluation, or mental health challenges. Many of us have obstacles and disappointments that we may never broadcast publicly. My point? We never know everything other people are going through. Empathy towards and lending grace to people can go a long way. Your kindness may be the thing that brightens someone’s day and gives them hope that they can continue fighting the challenge they may be facing. Your compassion may give them the inspiration they need to keep going.

4. Good money management is an added shield of protection. The pandemic has affected many of us in numerous ways, including financially. Many people suffered a change in income. Those whose salaries were protected may have needed to spend more money on other things in their home or personal lives to cope with the change. Either way, one thing became quite obvious: Some people were better able to deal with the change than others. Some people had jobs that allowed them to save money over time. When the pandemic occurred, they had money available to use to help them handle any increased financial costs. Other people were not so fortunate. While there are a myriad of reasons why one person may have faced more financial challenges than another person, good money management is an added shield of protection for everyone. If you have money saved in your account for a rainy day, when emergencies or financial challenges arise you may not be nearly as inconvenienced and better able to weather the storm.

5. A strong support system can help us overcome the unthinkable. With all the changes we’ve faced in 2020, one thing has become crystal clear: having a strong support system is crucial. Whether it’s family members we love, coworkers we cherish, or friends we can’t live without, we all need someone to lean on and talk to every now and then, especially during times like these. Many of us have been unable to to socialize and live life as we would normally, all while facing health threats and numerous job changes that have tested the limits of our patience and adaptability. In the midst of all of this, it’s essential that we have some type of support. It can be difficult to keep it together at all times and remain positive in the midst of changing circumstances around us. We all need a strong support system to lean on and encourage us along the way.

Tell me, what are some life lessons you’ve learned in 2020?